Become A Lancaster Symphony Sponsor

Join us as a Lancaster Symphony Sponsor this season.

Your support ensures incredible musical performances will continue to thrive in our community, making Lancaster a vibrant and desirable community to call home. Access to quality live performing arts has a positive impact in Lancaster and far-reaching benefits for our local business community. Expanding customer base, employee retention, and increased prosperity are all benefits gained by a community that values and supports the performing arts.

Are you interested in becoming an LSO Sponsor?

Please use the form below, send us an email to, or give us a call at (717) 291-6440.

Advertise Your Business

Placing an ad in our program book is a perfect way to support the Lancaster Symphony and advertise your business to a great audience. Studies show that symphony orchestra audiences tend to be college-educated (80% holding college degrees, 30% holding graduate degrees or higher) and in higher-than-average income brackets.

  • Eight concert program editions, distributed during 24 performances

  • Ability to update your artwork in each edition

  • Advertise directly to over 1,300 patrons at each of our eight concert series.

We produce a high-quality concert program book for every LSO performance, featuring information about our concerts, musician interviews, highlights about other performing arts events in Lancaster, and much more! Our programs are widely read by our patrons and even shared amongst friends!

2024-2025 Season at a Glance

We will reach over 20,000 Lancastrians this season—including over 8,000 students through our award-winning education & outreach programs.

  • Five Masterworks concert weekends at the Gardner Theatre (3 performances each series)

  • Three performances of Handel's Messiah in December at First Presbyterian Church

  • A Night at the Oscars, just in time to celebrate the New Year at the Gardner Theatre (3 performances)

  • Two collaborations with the Pennsylvania Ballet Academy

  • Free Memorial Day concert at Lititz Springs Park and Binns Park

  • Four free educational concerts in partnership with Carnegie Hall, reaching over 6,000 students

  • Ten award-winning education and outreach programs impacting members of our community of all ages

Your Sponsorship, minus the indicated values of any benefit you accept, is tax deductible. A copy of the official registration and financial information of the Lancaster Symphony Orchestra may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.