Empowering Music Educators
Play It Forward
Our Education & Outreach Programs have provided musical instruments to Lancaster County students in need for over a decade, but those loaned instruments require reeds, strings, cork grease or valve oil to operate, and that is where the “Play it Forward” program picks up. Music teachers in the School District of Lancaster send their equipment wishlists to the LSO, and, through the generosity of our donors and grants, we purchase and distribute the requested materials.
This program was developed in 2015 when a Symphony staff member saw a School District of Lancaster music teacher purchasing accessories with her own personal money for her students who were unable to afford them. Our goal is to respond to every single student that needs materials, and to ensure that their musical education can soar.
There are a few different ways you can help grow this important program. All donations are tax deductible and your name will appear in every program book this season as a supporter!
“LSO’s Play it Forward program fills a necessary need for supplies in my school. Little expenses add up! I am well stocked with violin strings and woodwind reeds thanks to LSO. I hope this program keeps going strong!”
How To Support
Donate Through Extraordinary Give
Visit the LSO’s ExtraGive page on Friday, November 15th. All contributions through ExtraGive support our Education & Outreach Programs.
Donate Online:
Make a donation right now on the LSO website to make a difference today. Select Play It Forward from the drop down menu.
Visit Menchey Music:
Take a drive to 1555 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601 to purchase specific music accessory items from wish lists of music teachers in the School District of Lancaster.
Mail Checks To:
Lancaster Symphony Orchestra
Attn: Play It Forward Program
48 North Christian Street, Suite #200 Lancaster, PA 17602
Call Today:
Call the LSO office to process your credit card information. Our phone number is 717-291-6440 x303.